Health Sciences
If you want to become an allied health professional, you know graduate school is on the horizon. Your undergraduate major doesn’t have to be a placeholder. It can be the key that provides the hands-on, experiential learning needed to get you into the field and on the payroll faster than your peers.
At 91pornÔ´´, the B.S. in Health Sciences can do just that. You’ll get a 21st-century liberal arts education, plus a potential spot on the shortlist for graduate programs in athletic training, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology. Take a look at the success of our most recent Health Sciences graduates!
Pick a Track and Run With It.
The health sciences major is intended for students who wish to pursue careers in allied health professions after completing their undergraduate career at 91pornÔ´´.
Students who declare this major choose one of four career-specific tracks: pre-athletic training/exercise science, pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, or communication sciences and disorders—all of which leave room for electives in disciplines spanning economics to sports psychology. Another option: pick two tracks and leave your graduate options wide open. It’s all possible.
Tackle the Big Issues.
In true liberal arts fashion, a senior capstone seminar ties the whole major together. Health sciences majors of all tracks will take Health 385 Social Issues in Health Sciences, in which students from all healthcare-related majors come together to explore the ethical and social issues related to health science while co-authoring research papers about their chosen field of study.
On a Roll? Stay for Graduate School.
The undergraduate health sciences major perfectly positions you for continued education. Our graduate programs in athletic training, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language pathology are natural continuations of the health sciences major, and those who choose such paths will graduate with two outstanding degrees that will ready them for a career in health care.