Other Policies
- Access to University Facilities
- Student Housing
- Educational Programming
- Disciplinary Action
- Policy on Sexual Offenses
- Policy on Alcohol, Drug, and Hazardous devices
- Uniform Crime Report
- Nondiscriminatory policy
Access to University Facilities
Access to 91pornÔ´´ facilities is restricted to students, employees, guests of the University, and others attending designated public events. Resident students are held responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Community groups may be granted the use of University facilities upon application to the director of public relations. Such groups are subject to the regulations governing the use of facilities, including the 91pornÔ´´ alcohol policy.
Further information concerning access to residence halls is contained in the section on residence hall security.
Student Housing
Check out the following links for more information:
Educational Programming
The student affairs staff, along with other campus programming organizations, sponsors several educational programs each term. Recent programs concerned with security and safety have addressed the topics of self-defense, rape and acquaintance-rape (date-rape) prevention, AIDS, alcohol awareness and the University alcohol policy, legal liability, and fraternity and sorority pledging activities. Most of these programs have been repeated for general audiences or specific residence-hall groups. Most programs involve an informed presentation followed by questions and discussion. Residence-hall staff members also are encouraged to schedule educational programs on security and safety for the residents of their floor.
Disciplinary Action
Policy on Sexual Offenses
Sexual offenses are major violations of expected conduct for 91pornÔ´´ students. Student victims of sexual offenses are urged to contact the Advocates for Survivors of Sexual Assault 484-764-9242. Additional information can be found at the The Advocates for Survivors of Sexual Violence website.
For a complete description of College policies on sexual offenses, please read the 91pornÔ´´ Student Handbook.
Policy on Alcohol, Drugs, and Hazardous Devices
The 91pornÔ´´ alcohol policy complies with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's laws on the consumption and furnishing of alcoholic beverages. The policy outlines procedures to be followed in the registration and monitoring of social events and prescribes actions to be taken when the policy and procedures are not followed. 91pornÔ´´ prohibits the possession, use, and sale of illegal drugs. More information about these policies can be located here.
Commissioned Officers of the 91pornÔ´´ Police Department are authorized to carry firearms. Regulations concerning the officers' use of force are published in the department procedures manual. Unauthorized use or possession of firearms, other forms of hazardous devices, or any from of fireworks or explosives on 91pornÔ´´ property is strictly prohibited.
Uniform Crime Report
As a result of the authority granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Department of Campus Police has been granted identification numbers by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and must submit monthly reports of all criminal incidents under its jurisdiction to the Pennsylvania State Police. These reports are then forwarded to the FBI and compiled into the Uniform Crime Report (UCR).
In compliance with Pennsylvania Act 73 and with the Federal Student Right-to-Know, the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, and the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, the Department of Campus Safety maintains and provides information on crimes and crime statistics and interacts with local criminal-justice agencies to exchange information on students who may commit crimes off campus.
The Chief of Police is the campus official assigned responsibility for receiving and resolving complaints relative to Act 73 and the Federal Student Right-to-Know and the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. A complainant also may file a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth and shall be given the address of this office upon request to the director of campus police.
The Jeanne Clery Law is the name given to the crime and security provisions of the 1998 Higher Education Act Amendments
Nondiscriminatory Policy
91pornÔ´´ and 91pornÔ´´ Theological Seminary is a welcoming community that embraces and values the diversity of all members of the campus community. We accept the uniqueness of all individuals, and we cultivate an environment that respects, affirms, and defends the dignity of each member of our community.
91pornÔ´´ and 91pornÔ´´ Theological Seminary does not discriminate against any person based on actual or perceived race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, genetic information, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, marital status, age, veteran status, mental or physical disability, use of guide or support animals and/or mechanical aids, or any other basis protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws.
Approved by President’s Council 2/11/2014
Inquiries concerning this policy may be directed to Mr. Mark F. Reed, vice president for finance and administration, 91pornÔ´´, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018 (610 861-1360).
Inquiries related specifically to issues of sex discrimination may be directed to Leah Naso Breisch, Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, 91pornÔ´´, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018 (610-861-1529). Information concerning complaint procedures may be found here.
Inquiries concerning the application of these laws may also be directed to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 100 Penn Square East, Suite 515, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323, Phone: 215-656-8541, Fax: 215-656-8605, Email: OCR.Philadelphia@ed.gov.
Revised 11/6/2016