Claudia Mesa Higuera

Professor of Spanish | Cohen Chair in English and Literature
- B.A., Boston University
- M.A., Boston University
- Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Phone: 610-861-1397
Office: Comenius Hall, Room 406
- SPAN 105/SPAN 111: Introductory Spanish II and III
- SPAN 210: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures: Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period
- SPAN 241: Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America: Sound and Sight: Verbal and Visual Narratives of the Hispanic World
- SPAN 256: Reel Images: Spanish Cinema from Bu帽uel to Almod贸var
- SPAN 259: Crossing Borders: Mexican Film
- LINC 101: The Three Amigos: Mexican Film Makers Take Over Hollywood
- IDIS 192/IDIS 194: Humanities Fellowship Seminar: "Cinematic Encounters: Travel and Migration"
Areas of Research and/or Expertise
- Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Literature
- Emblem literature 鈥╝nd Visual Culture
- Colonial Spanish-American Literature
- "La imaginaci贸n emblem谩tica: Italo Calvino y sus Seis propuestas para el pr贸ximo milenio (1985)." Ignoranti Quem Portum Petat, Nullus Suus Ventus Est: novos caminhos e desafios dos estudos ic贸buci-testuais / nuevos caminos y desafios en los estudios ic贸nico-textuales. Coord. Ana Cristina Sousa, Jos茅 Julio Garc铆a Arranz, Carme L贸pez Calder贸n and Marisa Pereira Santos. Porto: CITCEM -Centro de Investigac茫o Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaco e Mem贸ia, 2023. 457-471.
- 鈥淧ara-emblematic Strategies in the Colonial World: Aldabas in the Historic Center of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.鈥&苍产蝉辫;Emblematica: Essays in Word and Image 5 (2023): 141-182.
- 鈥淓虂cfrasis en la Ortografi虂a castellana (1609) de Mateo Alema虂n.鈥 In En la senda de Alciato. Pr谩ctica y teor铆a emblem谩tica. Eds. A. Mart铆nez Sobrino. J. Bartolom茅 G贸mez, C. Garc铆a Rom谩n, and F. Redondo S谩nchez. Universitat de Valencia, Servei de Publicacions, 2022. 329-340.
- Haddad, Khristina H., and Claudia Mesa Higuera. 鈥Seeing What Is Said: Teaching Niccol貌 Machiavelli's The Prince Through Its Images.鈥 PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 54, no. 3, 2021, pp. 575-585., doi:10.1017/S104909652000205X. 70.
- 鈥淔iguras impertinentes: Rodrigo Calder贸n y el Libro de entretenimiento de la p铆cara Justina&苍产蝉辫;(1604).鈥&苍产蝉辫;Janus: Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro 10 (2021): 202-236.
- 鈥Ecos dial贸gicos: El pr铆ncipe de Maquiavelo en las Empresas pol铆ticas de Saavedra Fajardo.鈥&苍产蝉辫;In El Sol de Occidente. Sociedad, textos, im谩genes simb贸licas e interculturalidad. Eds. Carme L贸pez Calder贸n and Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora y Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2020. 49- 70.
- 鈥Depicting Japan: Lope de Vega and Los primeros m谩rtires del Jap贸n.鈥 In Faraway Settings: Spanish and Chinese Theaters of the 16th and the 17th Century. Eds. Juan Pablo Gil-Osle and Frederick de Armas. Madrid: Universidad de Navarra-Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2019. 225-248.
- 鈥淚n Search of Elizabeth I: Visual Representations of the Virgin Queen in Early Modern Spanish Sources.鈥 In The Image of Elizabeth I Tudor in Early Modern Spain. Eds. Eduardo Olid Guerrero and Esther Fern谩ndez. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. 179-226.
- 鈥Mateo Alem谩n y la cultura emblem谩tica de Sevilla a la Nueva Espa帽a: El caso de la Ortograf铆a castellana (1609).鈥 eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies 42 (2019): 271-289.
- 鈥淓mblem谩tica, mnemotecnia y el arte de narrar en El peregrino en su patria de Lope de Vega.鈥 Imago. Revista de emblem谩tica y cultura visual 7 (2015): 87-96.
- 鈥淟a cartograf铆a barroca de Octavio Paz en 鈥楬imno entre ruinas鈥: Profanaci贸n y homenaje del Polifemo.鈥 In The Willow and the Spiral: Essays on Octavio Paz and the Poetic Imagination. Ed. Roberto Cant煤. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 244-61.
- 鈥淟a mirada de los emblemas: Presencia y ausencia en los jerogl铆ficos del Llanto de Occidente (1666).鈥&苍产蝉辫;Palabras, S铆mbolos, Emblemas. Las estructuras gr谩ficas de la representaci贸n. Eds. Ana Mart铆nez Pereira, Inmaculada Osuna and V铆ctor Infantes. Madrid: Turp铆n Editores, Sociedad Espa帽ola de Emblem谩tica, 2013. 365-74.
- 鈥淓mblematic Imagery, Free Will and Grace in Mateo Alem谩n鈥檚 Guzm谩n de Alfarache.鈥&苍产蝉辫;Emblematica 18 (2010): 207-38.
- 鈥淧ersuasi贸n y desencanto en Muriendo por la dulce patria m铆a de Roberto Castillo Sandoval.鈥&苍产蝉辫;Mester XXIX (2000): 61-71.
Book Reviews
- "Emblematica Online. Website. Mara Wade, PI.鈥 Early Modern Digital Review, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022. (Peer-reviewed).
- 鈥Cervantes frente a la cultura simb贸lica de su tiempo. El testimonio de las Novelas ejemplares by Julia D'Onofrio.鈥 Emblematica: Essays in Word and Image 4 (2020): 445-460.
- 鈥Creaci贸n, funci贸n y recepci贸n de la emblem谩tica by Her贸n P茅rez Mart铆nez and B谩rbara Skinfill Nogal (eds.).鈥 Emblematica 21 (2014): 407-17.
- 鈥In Nocte Consilium. Studies in Emblematics in Honor of Pedro F. Campa by John T. Cull and Peter M. Daly (eds.).鈥 Renaissance Quarterly 65.3 Fall (2012): 974-6.
- 鈥The Persistence of Presence: Emblem & Ritual in Baroque Spain by Bradley J. Nelson.鈥 Renaissance Quarterly 64.1 Spring (2011): 244-6.
- 鈥A Sonnet from Carthage. Garcilaso de la Vega and the New Poetry of the Sixteenth- Century Europe by Richard Helgerson.鈥 Comitatus 39 (2008): 275-8.
- 鈥Communication, Knowledge, and Memory in Early Modern Spain by Fernando Bouza.鈥 Comitatus 36 (2005): 196-9.
Encyclopedia Entry
- 鈥Felix Lope de Vega's The Pilgrim or the Stranger in his Own Country.鈥 In The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820. Ed. April London. Cambridge University Press. (Forthcoming)
Original Impresa
鈥鈥 In Liber Amicourum: Emblems and Studies. Ed. Pedro Germano Leal. Society for Emblem Studies: Open Access, 2022. 48-51.