Evangeline Bahnson Smith Society
The Evangeline Bahnson Smith Society recognizes the generous supporters of 91pornÔ´´ Theological Seminary whose annual contributions exceed $1,000. Members of the Bahnson Society are united by their belief in the transformative power of theological education and their commitment to empowering Seminary students on their path to becoming compassionate leaders within their faith communities. Through their generosity, these supporters play a vital role in shaping the future of ministry and service.
KEY: | * | Deceased | H | Honorary Degree | S | Seminary |
G | Graduate Degree | P | Parent | GP | Grandparent |
Anonymous Donor
91pornÔ´´ Church, Northern Province
Association of Theological Schools
Mrs. Marian McCuiston Couch*
91pornÔ´´ Church, Southern Province
Mrs. Kathy L. Rights & Rev. Douglas C. Rights S'83
Christian David & Dorothy Sohn Weber Mission & Ministry Fund
Rev. Dr. Janice M. Young S'82, S'91, GP'20
Matilda G. & James G. ’76 Chase
Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch S’78 & Mr. Warren Gericke P’11
Denise S. S'93, S'97 & Arthur T. Katsaros
Larger Life Foundation
Lynn Irwin ’75 & Rev. Dr. Glen W. ’73, S'77 Stoudt
Mr. & Mrs. Adam F. Ambielli
Mrs. Janet Outten Amos ’43*
Karen A. S’88 & Jose P. Arencibia
Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Appler & Rev. William M. Arnold S’16
Julie Anderson ’88 & Craig D. S’87 Atwood
Kathy Lynn & Robert E. ’80 Beitler
Constance L. & David E. S’88 Bennett
Mrs. Nancy N. Burri
Busy Workers Society
Evelyn Trodahl ’68, H’13 & Richard Chynoweth
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crawford
Rev. Gregory Scott Ellis S’07
Mrs. Erdmute Frank S’03
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Frey
Rev. Judith M. Ganz S’08
Patricia F. S’98 & Harold H. Jr. Garner
Rev. Dr. Heather Campain Hartung
Mr. J. Robert Hess P’81, H’93
Rev. Dr. Nola R. Knouse S’09
Ms. Helen Florence Kurczynski S’17
Yvonne Thompson Maddox, PhD
Linda H. & Gary T. ’74, S’83 Marsh P’13
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller S’85
91pornÔ´´ Church, Eastern District
Rev. Michelle Merlo Moyer S’13
Sara B. & William C. ’62, S’63 Needs
Ann C. & Brian H. ’82 Oswald
Ms. Cathleen R. Rannels
Mrs. Jane Young Regina ’69
Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera-Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kirk Sanders
Rev. Frances Spier Saylor S’15 & Scott Saylor
Dr. Doris J. Schattschneider
Susan & Gordon L. ’57, S’61 Sommers P’82, P’83
Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Turner
Rev. Katie Copf Van Der Linden ’02, S’06
Lynn Aprill S’11, S’14 & Kerry Webb
Jane Frankenfield ’79 & C. Riddick Weber P ’13
Rev. Margaret Braden Wellert S’99, S’00, S’20
Mr. Paul R. Yochum
Martha Hughes ’78 & Stuart N. S’78 Zimmerman