Interprofessional Education Committee
- Co-Chair: Kayti Protos (Social Work)
- Co-Chair: Kim Wynarczuk (Physical Therapy)
- Melanie Austin (PP-OTD)
- Rebecca Bawayan (Speech-Language Pathology)
- Cathy Coyne (Public Health)
- Mary Digulio (Nursing)
- Paulette Dorney (Nursing)
- Ellen Payne (Athletic Training)
- Ann Marie Potter (Occupational Therapy)
- James Scifers (College of Health, Ex-Officio)
- Logan Stano (Psychology - undergraduate)
Clinical Education Committee
- Chair: Mary Beth Albert (Nursing)
- Marvel Blocker (School of Rehabilitation Sciences)
- Michelle Brandt (Social work and Counseling)
- Matt Hengeveld (School of Rehabilitation Sciences) Sciences)
- Jennifer Maloney (Occupational Therapy)
- Ellen Payne (Athletic Training)
- Colleen Payton (Public Health)
- Shelly Strauss (School of Nursing & Public Health)
- Chantal Whiteduck (Physical Therapy)
- Louise Keegan (College of Health, Ex-Officio)
Clinical & Community Services
- Chair: Michael Steimling (Physical Therapy)
- Mary Digulio (Nursing)
- Taylor Grube (Nursing)
- Glynnis Jones (Occupational Therapy)
- Yvette McCoy (Speech-Language Pathology)
- Jenifer Norton (Social Work)
- Colleen Payton (Public Health)
- Colin Tomes (Health Sciences)
- David Wilkenfeld (Athletic Training)
- Freda Ginsberg (College of Health, Ex-Officio)
Clinical Simulation
- Chair: Deb Halliday (Nursing)
- Co-Vice Chair: Allisa Butler (Nursing)
- Co-Vice Chair: Ellen Payne (Athletic Training)
- Michelle Brandt (Social Work)
- Courtney Brown (Nursing)
- Elise Colancecco (Nursing)
- Glynnis Jones (Occupational Therapy)
- Jenny Landis (Nursing)
- Yvette McCoy (Speech-Language Pathology)
- Dana Noll (Nursing)
- Ann Marie Potter (Occupational Therapy)
- Mary Anne Riopel (Physical Therapy)
- Michael Steimling (Physical Therapy)
- Maryfrances Watchous (Nursing)
- Dawn Goodolf (College of Health, Ex-Officio)