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Under normal circumstances, a change of grade after the end of the incomplete period (6 weeks after the end of a fall or spring term) may be submitted by the course instructor only to correct an error in the original grade, or as a result of a successful grade appeal by a student to the Dean or Academic Standards Committee.

Student-initiated requests for changes in a final course grade must be submitted to the appropriate Dean not more than one calendar year after the original grade was submitted. Such a time period allows for individuals to appeal grades if they have been away from campus for study abroad, leave of absence, or other separations from the institution. It is not appropriate to change a grade based upon options, such as supplemental assignments, that are not equally available to all students.

Grade Appeal Procedure

Students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance and integrity. In order to provide a process by which a student may have a disputed grade reviewed, the following procedures have been established. It should be understood however, that students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance and integrity. Students who wish to appeal a final grade in a course may do so within one year after completion of that course. For example, a student wishing to appeal a grade from a course in Spring 2012 may do so during summer 2012, Fall 2012, or Spring 2013, but after Spring 2013, there will be no opportunity to appeal that grade. Appeals of grades in the student's final semester of study must be made to the Academic Standards Committee prior to final certification of graduates by the registrar in that term.

Grade appeals start with the course instructor. If the instructor does not believe a change of grade is warranted, the student goes to the department chair/program director. If the department chair does not believe the change of grade is warranted, the student takes his/her appeal to the appropriate school Dean. (If the department chair is the course instructor, then the student will skip the appeal to the chair and take the appeal to the Dean.) Only after all other avenues have been explored will the Academic Standards Committee review grade appeals.