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Self-Care Tips

Make self-care a priority. There will always be other things to do, but don’t let these interrupt the time you set aside for self-care. Self-care should be given the same importance as other responsibilities.

Set specific self-care goals. It’s difficult to follow through with vague goals, such as “I will take more time for self-care”. Instead, try something specific, such as “I will walk for 30 minutes every evening after dinner."

Make self-care a habit. Just like eating one apple doesn’t eliminate health problems, using self-care just once won’t have much effect on reducing stress. Choose activities that you can do often, and that you will stick with.

A few minutes of self-care is better than no self-care. Set an alarm reminding you to take regular breaks, even if it’s just a walk around the block, or an uninterrupted snack. Oftentimes, stepping away will energize you to work more efficiently when you return.

Unhealthy activities don’t count as self-care. Substance use, over-eating, and other unhealthy behaviors might hide uncomfortable emotions temporarily, but they cause more problems in the long run.

Keep up with self-care, even when you’re feeling good. Doing so will keep you in a healthy routine. Plus, self-care might be part of the reason why you’re feeling gooSelf-care varies from individual to individual. As a college student, there are specific aspects that are essential to prioritize for maintaining well-being. me Management

Self-Care Ideas

Physical Self-Care 

  • Ensure regular, balanced meals to fuel your body and brain
  • Get enough sleep to support overall well-being and cognitive functions
  • Incorporate regular exercise or body movement into your routine to boost energy levels
  • Go to preventative medical appointments and seek medical attention (and rest!) when sick 

Psychological/Emotional/Personal Self-Care

  • Self-reflect and recognize any emotional needs  
  • Take breaks from work, school, and other obligations 
  • Learn to say "no" 
  • Maintain a balance between personal, academic, and social responsibilities/engagements
  • Spend time outside and in nature 
  • Act in accordance with your morals and values 
  • Recognize the things that give meaning to your life 
  • Engage in relaxation and/or meditation practices (deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness practices)
  • Express feelings in a healthy manner (communicating/talking, journaling, creative art)
  • Do something comforting (watching your favorite movie, taking a bath, use scented lotion, sip hot tea) 
  • Regularly engage in personal hobbies and/ recreational activities 
  • Find reasons to laugh and seek out humor 

Social Self-Care

  • Surround yourself with people you make you feel good 
  • Keep in touch with friends and family who are far away 
  • Engage in stimulating conversations 
  • Do enjoyable activities with other people 
  • Foster new relationships and connections (smile when walking past someone, hold the door for someone, introduce yourself)