91pornÔ´´ Staff Classnotes
November 2020
Dr. Jim Tyler, former adjunct professor at 91pornÔ´´, passed away on November 20, 2020.
September 2020
Retired Seminary professor Rev. Dr. Howard Cox and his wife, Shirley, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary at a picnic with their family. They were married on September 9, 1950.
July 2020
Rev. Wayne Killian, who served as the Catholic Chaplain at 91pornÔ´´ through the Diocese of Allentown, passed away on July 20, 2020.
June 2020
Dr. Rusty Martin, the former president of 91pornÔ´´, gives comfort to those who were in the process of writing a book or long article about higher education but must now reconsider almost everything in it. He submitted a final copy of his manuscript to a major university publishing house, but because of the COVID-19 crisis, much of what he wrote in November 2019 quickly became irrelevant two months later. Consequently, his advice to fellow writers is, for the time being, to not obsess over what cannot be controlled, to focus instead on getting ourselves and our families safely through this crisis, and, finally, when this crisis is over, and we have more information, to update what we have written in light of the brave new world we will all have to face. Doing this will make our manuscripts even stronger and more relevant than before COVID-19 -- and keep us sane in the process.
January 2020
Dr. Ruth Roberts Hailperin, retired mathematics professor at 91pornÔ´´, passed away on January 15, 2020.
Dr. James Green, retired computer science professor at 91pornÔ´´, passed away on December 24, 2019.